Unlimited Color Variants

Many Reusable Elements

Responsive Layoute

Clean Modern Code

Parallax Background

Fixed and parallax background images are a great way to add beautiful imagery to your website But what exactly is the difference?
To answer this question effectively. When using a fixed background image, the image will remain static, while the content will move
over the image as your scroll down the page.When using a parallax background image, both the image and the content will move as your
scroll down the page, but at different speeds. This effect is known as the parallax scrolling, where background content is moving
slower that foreground content. Take a look at the live theme demo for Create, a WordPress Theme by Themetrust. There is an excellent
example of a parallax background image in use on the coffee shop homepage.


  • We have developed capabilities in each of these areas
  • To deliver solutions that fit perfectly into your existing infrastructure and meet your business goals.
  • The integration and configuration activities we recommend leverage to the maximum the product/technology platforms features and capabilities

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